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Heiðdís Buzgò Buzgo. Logo that is a thrush in the moon/robin bird in a moon. Website for an artist and graphic designer from Iceland.
Heiðdís Buzgò Buzgo. A poster for the Icelandic berry juice Móa produced by Tuma (who gets up). Final project of the first year in graphic design at the Art School in Akureyri.
Heiðdís Buzgò Buzgo. Drawing of mice using a ladder to sneak into a cupcake. Drawn with pens and markers.


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Heiðdís Buzgò Buzgo. Transformation of the children's book Himinbjargar saga, which was a project in graphic design at the Art School in Akureyri.
Heiðdís Buzgò Buzgo. Illustration for The Blind Weavers, a comic in progress.